“Ideological enforcers work closely with local race activists and media allies to harass or censor educators and parents accused of wrongthink.”

by Brad Salzberg


July 24, 2023

Toronto School Principal Richard Bilkszto’s career as an educator spanned 24 years, in which time he was an advocate for anti-discrimination and public education. Last Thursday, at the age of 60, he took his own life.

“His stellar career took on a sour note after he was bullied in a diversity, equity and inclusion training session for Toronto District School Board (TDSB) administrators in 2021.”

“His sin, in the eyes of facilitators, was his questioning of their claim that Canada was a more racist place than the United States.”

Stop the press. Mr. Bilkszto’s committed no crime. In no manner did he breach Canada’s “hate laws” found in our Criminal Code. His actions were devoid of racism toward an identifiable community, nor did his actions constitute a verbal attack on any one of Canada’s “racialized” communities.

Now, after taking his own life as a result of vitriolic hatred directed toward him via political correctness, the man is dead.

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