by Eldric Vero
June 16, 2023
This is an update of the “Most Frequently Reported Adverse Events” (MFRAE) within the Health Canada “Reported Side Effects Following Covid-19 Vaccination” monthly report. The reports are accessed via the Government of Canada website : under Vaccine Safety and click on Reported Side Effects. Click on the “detailed technical report” for the most recent report (see Figure 4: Text Description) plus go to Archived Reports to view all reports since January 2021. Note that Health Canada has changed reporting this data from monthly to every three months.
This graphical presentation is a database construct by the author as Health Canada does not present the data in this specific manner.
Panel 1 illustrates the top four sub-groups: Pruritus, Myocarditis/Pericarditis, Vaccine Site Various and Pain. These four sub-groups account for 66 percent of the 140,451 MFRAEs to date.

Panel 2 illustrates the remaining four sub-groups: Anaphylaxis, Feeling Unwell, Neurological and Swelling which combined account for 34 percent of the MFRAEs to date. Note that Health Canada removed (no reason given) over 1,000 cases of Bell’s Palsy/Facial Paralysis included in the Neurological category.

Remember, as per Health Canada “Evidence indicates that vaccines and boosters are effective at helping to prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. Evidence indicates that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines continue to outweigh the risks of the disease. Receiving an mRNA booster dose provides even better protection.” Do you think the data supports these claims by Health Canada?
Panel 3 There are 50 MFRAEs plus 10 Vaccine Site MFRAEs as per Health Canada. The author has attempted to consolidate the MFRAEs into eight (8) major-type categories in order to view the MFRAEs at a higher level based on the specific events and symptoms. Some symptoms may apply to more than one category, and, as a consequence, the author has allocated a portion of certain MFRAEs for statistical purposes. This method may not be the best way to view the data, but as Dr. McCoy (Bones) indicated to Spock “well then, you’ll have to take your best shot…your best guess” which is what the author can only do (see Star Trek 4). As per the website, there were 55,145 cumulative “total adverse event following immunization reports”. In order to comprehend the actual full picture of adverse events, look at Figure 4 (as per the Report) which lists the “most frequently reported” adverse events to date (i.e. n=140,451) or an average of 2.5 “events” per report (this excludes the 442 Covid Related Deaths). The human and monetary costs of these Adverse Events is incalculable.