All Our Supporters, Friends and Freedom Minded People of BC
Our poll page is now live on our website: CLICK HERE to visit our polls page We want your opinions, thoughts and views on issues that are important to you and your family. Poll questions will be constantly changing on rotation, so check back often to see results and have your voices heard.
We cannot do this alone. Our province needs volunteers in order to turn the tide.
Please have a look on page 2 below and here’s how you can help.
Join with us and help shape a British Columbia for the benefit and betterment of all British Columbians. We only have 18 months to go before the next provincial election.
INDEPENDENT BC is a Not-for-Profit organization. We depend on the generous contributions from Our Friends, Supporters, Freedom Fighters and Warriors to help us grow our Independent BC Initiative.
As with all non profit organizations, all of us are volunteers and we are asking all British Columbians to donate as much as you can afford. $ 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.
Every little bit helps to keep us moving forward. We truly appreciate your support.
Please visit our donation page by CLICKING HERE and view where your donations will be used.
Currently, we have applied and have received a business number from the Canada Revenue Agency. If approved for charitable status by the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency, we will be able to issue tax deductible receipts.
Please send e-transfers to: in***********@pr********.com
Our team can’t do it alone. We are not your heroes or saviours. We all are.
We need every British Columbian to take part in our initiative. We need all hands on deck. “It’s Now or Never” Don’t be mad or angry or pissed off. Volunteer and work in your own riding to elect an Independent Candidate. You decide who that will be.
We provide the tools. That’s grass roots. Bottom up. Not top down.
Our goal. Elect 40 + Independent Members to the Legislative Assembly in BC.
Please help spread the word about our new Initiative BC Campaign through social media, friends, family and business associates.
Where your views, thoughts and opinions matter. |