Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Takes The Stand At ‘The International COVID Summit’ (3) The ‘European Parliament’

May. 5, 2023 ‘Covid-19’, Medical, & Geopolitical News. AndreCorbeil.

ICS (International COVID Summit) At The EU Parliament Summary:
Dr. Malone’s Summary Video And Transcript
By Robert W Malone MD, MS
May 5, 2023


The third International COVID Summit was held at the European Parliament. As noted by the European Parliament Members in attendance, this was an historic event. The summit lasted all day, with many fantastic speakers. It was live streamed and recordings of the many speakers will be made available soon. The ICS summit covered all aspects of the pandemic, as well as the documentation of the increasing power grab by the World Health Organization to control public health and increased control by organized globalized entities throughout the world.

At the end of the day, I was asked to give a summary of the day’s highlights. This was no small task – but I gave it my best shot. Please pardon my “ums,” I was stumbling over the many new names and concepts that I had to quickly collate in my own mind on short notice.

As an organizing member (and I suppose co-founder) of the International COVID summit, I have been amazed at how these events have come together. This particular summit has been a huge success.

Today, a press conference was held with the members of EU Parliament who helped organize this event, myself and Dr. Byram Bridle. There was much excitement about the high quality, primary data shared at the meeting and the need for the media to participate more actively in disseminating the important work of these scientists. People at the Parliament, including MEPs are enthusiastic about an ICS book of the presentations presented at the EU Parliament be published soon.

At that press conference, it was announced by Romanian officials that they wish for an International COVID summit to be held in Romania in September of this year. Another European nation, which I am not privy to name yet, has also expressed a strong interest in having a summit in their country’s legislative body as well. This is real progress!

Last week, I put out a call for donations and so many of readers responded. We raised just about $10,000.00, which helped pay for the event venue on May 1st. This day was a closed session of about 100 doctors and scientists, who were able to discuss their findings in detail and strategize in this confidential forum. It also helped pay for a media event and open public sessions.

Transcript of the International COVID Summit Summary Statement
Dr. Robert W. Malone