Liberal Minister of International Trade Mary Ng announced an investment of $5,179,000 in a Chinese Canadian Museum to be built in Downtown Vancouver.

by Brad Salzberg

May 25, 2023

May 23rd, 2023:  Liberal Minister of International Trade Mary Ng  announced an investment of $5,179,000 in a Chinese Canadian Museum to be built in Downtown Vancouver, B.C.

“Minister Ng made this announcement on behalf of the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of International Development and Minister responsible for PacifiCan.”

Talk about impeccable timing. It’s as if the Chinese Election Interference investigation never happened. It did– but it died. Close family friend and former Trudeau Foundation member David Johnson saw to it this week through a refusal to endorse a public inquiry into election interference from the Chinese government.

Welcome to “born-again” Canada. China-born Liberal Cabinet Member Mary Ng announces $5 million dollars funding for a Chinese Museum on behalf of Argentinian-born Liberal Cabinet Member Pablo Rodriguez and India-born Liberal Cabinet Member Harjit Sajjan.

Ever get the feeling your country is being stolen from you from beneath your feet? Cultural Action Party has maintained this position since the day Justin Trudeau was placed into office in 2015.

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