Citizens holding the Government to account

by Bruce O’hara 

May 25, 2023

Though Canada’s mainstream media have worked hard to ignore it, the National Citizens Inquiry has held hearings in eight Canadian cities to conduct an evaluation of Canada’s response to the COVID pandemic.

Hearings were held in Truro, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Red Deer, Vancouver, Ottawa and Quebec.

Among the witnesses were Dr. Peter McCullough, Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Robert Malone, Edward Dowd, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Jordan Peterson, and Cathy Jones.

A notable exception to the unwillingness of Canada’s mainstream media to give coverage to the inquiry was Canadian Edition of The Epoch Times.

Among the stories covered by the Epoch Times were the following:

Fired Alberta Physician Tells National Citizen’s Inquiry Ivermectin Saved Patients From COVID-19

“On the final day of the National Citizen’s Inquiry in Ottawa on May 19, an Alberta physician testified that three of his COVID-19 patients recovered shortly after he gave them ivermectin, a decision which led to his dismissal from his job and being essentially barred from practicing medicine in the province. ‘Less than 18 hours after receiving ivermectin, these patients made a remarkable clinical turnaround. Now again, this is based on data that had been published throughout 2020 and 2021,’ said

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