“We don’t want the CCP in the Sunshine State,” says Florida Governor Ron Desantis.

by Brad Salzberg


May 9, 2023

Governor Ron DeSantis is banning Chinese citizens from buying land in Florida, accusing China of taking up swathes of farmland.

“We don’t want the CCP in the Sunshine State,” says the Florida Governor. By all accounts, a smart move– unless a person shares the mindset of PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada.

“Russian, Cuban, Iranian, North Korean and Syrian citizens are also banned from buying property within 10 miles of military bases.”

Justin Trudeau is not Ron DeSantis, who stands in direct contrast to Canada’s prince of wokeness. Naturally, mainstream media hate him as a result. To find the closest Canadian equivalent, CAP turn to current Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith.

Ms. Smith is not hot on woke liberalism. Therefore, Canadian media are cold-as-ice toward Danielle Smith:

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