Screenshot of couple that was beaten by mob

April 19, 2023

Chicago: Last weekend, mobs of youths organized on social media and rioted; two teens were shot, drivers were attacked, cars were set on fire, and police were overwhelmed. Only 15 people out of hundreds of rioters were arrested. Chicago’s new Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson responded by saying, “In no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the Loop and lakefront this weekend. It is unacceptable and has no place in our city. However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.” Lack of consequences for criminal acts incentivizes looting and mayhem. Police have been defunded. Criminal justice reform has turned felonies into misdemeanors, violent criminals are released from prison early, and progressive Soros-backed District Attorneys refuse to prosecute crimes. Prior to the new Mayor’s soft on crime statement, he told a group organizing for a “police-free future” that black people should be removed from “state-sponsored policing” as a way to fight “white supremacy.”

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