by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


April 8, 2023

And So Former Socialist Anti Fossil Fuel Premier John Horgan Joins A Coal Company Board —First , We Have All That Un Ethical Behaviour of the Federal Rouleau Commission , Second , the National Citizens Inquiry Organizers Breaking Their Own Independence Principles,  Third , New Alberta Premier Danielle Smith By Passing The Legislature To Set Up An Inquiry Into Government Covid Actions ——And Now This Blatant Hypocrisy—-

Nothing to see here folks. Just move on .

And Horgan is even ‘snarky ‘ about any questions coming his way .

This is the person who headed the anti fossil fuel Party, supported a carbon tax , and married with the anti fossil fuel Green Party which perpetrated fantasies on a gullible public.

So , that paragon of virtuous environmentalism ————who stuffed down our throats this sacred bird killing, land destroying steel and concrete wind turbine alternate energy , was all for show, all a sham ———he was a lover of coal all along.

Oh, but don’t forget this is metallurgical coal—-

Yes, and the Pope is Protestant , Pigs fly and Socialism works.

Not worth taking him out back to the traditional shed for a good trouncing .

As I keep preaching ( My Magna Carta of a year ago ) it is system change we need —-Traditional Party Change won’t cut it——the political landscape is cluttered with the evidence ——-

The ‘fallen ‘ Horgan is just the latest piece of Canada’s tragedy.