Canada’s Ethical Epidemic

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


April 2, 2023

Lord Chief Justice Hewart of England in 1924:

“Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done”.

The Prime Minister of our country has violated the country’s conflict of interest 5 times —so says the The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner . And still he sits in the House of Commons and is the PM.

The new leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition appoints an ethically disgraced former leader to be the new House Leader for the Opposition.

The Top Judge of our land publicly disparages the character of some of the citizens of this country , no hearing ,no evidence .

The Federal Pubic Order Commission to examine the Federal Government’s actions relating to the Emergencies Act saw the Government appoint the Commissioner and set the terms of reference —a Government examining itself. And most Canadians went along with it.

The National Citizens Inquiry broke its own standards of independence by supporting their spokesman to be also involved ( paid $250,000) with another Covid Inquiry—A Government one !! And many Canadians are going along with this.

The Government of Alberta set up its own Covid Inquiry without reference to its elected Legislature, following the Federal Government’s unethical lead of examining itself. And many Albertans are going along with this.

Now we hear via the spokesman for the Canadian Association For The Advancement of Science in Public Policy that Brtish Columbia’s chief Judge Hinkson who is hearing actions by the Association against the Health Authorities of BC is on a Foundation that has dispensed money to some of BC Health Authorities .

Rebel News reports :

‘BC Supreme Court and Court of Appeal’s judge, the Honourable Chief Justice Hinkson, has been a member of the board of directors for the Vancouver Foundation since 2014.

The foundation, which was established in 1943 through a parliamentary act called the Vancouver Foundation Act, works “with individuals, charities, and businesses to create endowment funds, most of which are permanent” and grants for “hundreds of charities and non-profits in BC.”

In recent years, recipients of donations from the Vancouver Foundationhave included public health authorities and their partnering organizations including the Fraser Health Authority, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, and the BC Centre for Disease Control Foundation for Public Health (BCCDC Foundation).’

I note that none of the mainstream media has carried the story.

It seems once again most people either are unaware of this story , or if they are , are prepared to say little to oppose such unethical behaviour.

How can a society call itself a democracy if its leaders continually flaunt the very laws they have passed and are suppose to uphold.

Without a moral compass, a democratic society cannot exist.

Canada has lost that compass.