James O’Keefe made his first public appearance since being ousted from Project Veritas this morning at CPAC 2023 in Washington, DC, and brought out the Pfizer whistleblower who helped identify Pfizer Director Jordan Trishton Walker.


The Gateway Pundit

March 4, 2023

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported on bombshell undercover video of Walker admitting the pharma company was experimenting with dangerous gain-of-function on COVID-19 in order to make more money on vaccines.

O’Keefe said that after the events of his ousting, he reconnected with the whistleblower, saying that she was targeted, “who was brought into a room, interrogated, who had a red van go to her home, harass her and her loved ones, who was scared for her life.”

“Inspired by the series of events that have occurred over the last three weeks,” the whistleblower “decided to go public with me on the stage right now,” said O’Keefe, introducing to the crowd Debbie.

Debbie told the crowd that she was “a little reluctant to come at first,” saying that she was “scared for my life.”

“I was worried that I would end up in a body bag, or in a car accident. But I realized that the spirit of fear is not from the Lord,” said Debbie.

“As a believer, I knew that I couldn’t just sit there, I couldn’t just sit there and watch. People get lied to, people get gaslit, it made me angry.”

Debbie said that O’Keefe “gave me the courage to come up here and I’m so thankful to have people here who are willing to listen and who are willing to stand up.”

“I think we all need to learn to not be fearful,” Debbie continued. “Fear is how the enemy controls us. The reason why our country is going the way it’s going is because of fear. People are willing to give up their freedom and their liberty to feel safe. We can’t do that. Freedom is not free.”

Debbie continued on to say that freedom comes with a price, “and sometimes people like me have to make a sacrifice,” being met with a cheer of “You’re a hero Debbie” from the crowd.

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