We are witnessing a cover-up of vast proportions and implications.

Robert W Malone MD, MS

By:  Brett Vance

Brett Vance is a former career Air Force fighter pilot, test pilot, and airline pilot who recently retired from his position as a test pilot in the Aircraft Certification Service with the Federal Aviation Administration.  During his career, he accumulated over 7,500 flying hours, flew over 120 different aircraft, and earned ten type ratings in aircraft ranging in size from the B-777 to the Cessna 510.  Primary military aircraft were the T-38, A-10, and the F-16.


Astronaut and Mission Commander of Apollo 13, James A. Lovell, reported to Mission Control on 13Apr70, “Houston, we’ve had a problem” when announcing a Main Bus B Undervolt malfunction caused during an oxygen tank explosion.  Most people know the story of incredible teamwork and courage that ended in the safe return of the crew following this near-catastrophic mission abort.  Today’s lingo of that transmission is “Houston, we’ve got a problem,” and is generally associated with the appearance of a sudden unforeseen situation.  It is also usually a huge understatement.

That’s the case now.  However, just notifying Houston is not near enough.  The whole of America needs to know what’s happening to our National Airspace System.  Our NAS—the collection of systems and people that fly you safely from place to place—here in the U.S. is the safest on the planet…at least it was until now.  While NASA was able to return three astronauts safely to earth and thus avert a potential catastrophe, the potential catastrophe facing our National Airspace System is similarly dire, but with vastly more terrifying consequences.

Under discussion here are the following topics that contribute to this problem.  First, the departure from the industry, for a variety of reasons, of large numbers of highly-qualified and experienced commercial flight crews.  Second, the effect of the covid shots and the mandates on flight safety since their rollout.  Finally, and worst of all, the coverup.

Part 1 – Where is My Crew?

The first part of the problem with our NAS is the drawdown in the nation’s commercial pilot force.  These are the folks that earn their living flying, many of whom are your airline pilots.  You’ve all most likely heard of or personally experienced turmoil in flight schedules.  And you think it’s what you’re told that weather or Air Traffic Control is to blame for this mess!  That’s partially true, but you may have heard that crew availability is also to blame.  The airlines will tell you that crews are just out of position and can’t get to where they need to be in a timely manner.  What they are not telling you is that they just don’t have enough crews.  So, what’s wrong with that?  Just fess up and fix it.  Right?

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