Pictured, New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh with a true Canadian behind him

Was the NDP leader planted by WEF to play back-up to woke globalist quarterback, PM Justin Trudeau?

by Brad Salzberg


February 21, 2023

An article published in the Toronto Sun delivers a point regarding New Democratic Party Leader Jagmeet Singh that captures a political sign of the times:

‘Jagmeet Singh Has Some Explaining To Do’

“For just how long is NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh going to prop up Prime Minister Justin Trudeau? Because right now, he’s failing to serve as an effective opposition leader at a time when the government needs to be held to account.”

Instead, what transpired is accurately described as a “Socialist Authoritarian Coalition Government.” To Mr. Singh’s chagrin, far more Canadians adhere to this belief than he may believe.

Based on public reaction to the preservation of PM Justin Trudeau’s neo-dictatorship, Mr. Singh may well have signed on to the end of his leadership run, if not his entire political career. Media is doing their part– advancing Trudeau’s will– by neglecting to allude to an end-of-NDP leadership possibility.

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