“The whole thing usually takes about five minutes, although it took longer than usual in this case because the patient was otherwise young and healthy. Eventually their heart stopped,” Li said.

by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz

Post Millennial

February 15, 2023

A Canadian medical assistance in dying (MAID) provider told Maclean’s that she believes laws surrounding the controversial procedure are not fleshed out enough, adding that they missing “fundamental safeguards for vulnerable people.” As the head of the University Health Network, a research hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto, Li says that she oversaw “hundreds of cases,” and that she “personally provided MAID numerous times.”

Li writes about how she regrets providing MAID to a young person with cancer that had a 65 percent chance of cure. The person refused treatment, and two other MAID assessors agreed that they had met the criteria for eligibility. The person had a “grievous irremediable condition,” which she says was only irremediable ebcause the person refused the treatments available.

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  1. The whole Govt Assisted Suicide (MAID) Program is happening in Canada, because Prime Minister Turdeau ( and most of his cabinet) is a member of the Anti-Christ World Economic Forum.

    Turdeau has offered up our Nation to be a testing ground for the WEF New World Order AKA Great Reset AKA Build Back Better.

    The whole agenda is ungodly and completely disgusting in every aspect. Population reduction, and slavery to globalist corporations is a key part of the whole agenda.

    Turdeau will be expanding the government assisted suicide program to include people having normal life crises, such as depression or PTSD.

    This is combined with a deliberate collapse of the economy, hyperinflation, food shortages, healthcare collapse, a housing crisis, exploding homelessness, and other factors that are designed to cause Canadians to become depressed.

    Another attack on Canada is woke programs that give overwhelming preference to females, transgenders, and people of color. They are attempting to make the straight. white male an endangered species, facing discrimination in employment, education, and all other aspects of life.

    The only way to prevail, and live in peace, is to make sure you have the rock solid relationship with Jesus Christ and God almighty. We are not perfect. We all fall into sin sometimes. Simply confess your sins to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Forgiving people and loving people is what the Lord does.

    He wants us all on his team.