We could end the debate on COVID vaccine safety instantly. All we need is the death-vax record data. But today, that data is being concealed by the health authorities in every jurisdiction. Here’s why

by Steve Kirsch


February 9, 2023

Executive summary

A simple database of death-vax records should be made publicly available by the CDC and other health authorities worldwide.

The death-vax records can be analyzed in seconds using a variety of totally objective methods to show whether the COVID vaccines have increased or decreased all-cause mortality in each age range.

No medical records, cause of death, etc. are required or needed. Just the age, date of death, and dates of vaccination are all that is required for each death since the start of the COVID vaccination program.

The death-vax data has been collected, but it has never been made publicly available anywhere in the world. There is no PII or HIPAA violation by disclosing the records.

There is absolutely no excuse for this data not to be made PUBLICLY available now.

Because kids are most at risk, universities in particular should be demanding data transparency of the death-vax records or they should halt their vaccination mandates.

It is immoral and unethical for universities to mandate COVID vaccines if the health authorities refuse to show us the death-vax database records that would justify their use.

The death-vax record data

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