by Bruce O’Hara

February 7, 2023

At long last we have conclusive science on Vitamin D and COVID

new, Italian peer-reviewed meta-analysis has found that Vitamin D supplementation reduced the odds of hospitalized COVID patients needing to go into intensive care by 72%, and reduced their risk of dying by 51%.

By pooling the results of five large studies, this meta-analysis was able to reach a level of reliability the researchers described as ‘conclusive’.

The implications of this research are truly staggering. If the United States had done research like this in April of 2020, and prescribed vitamin D supplements to every American COVID patient starting in May of 2020, half a million Americans who died of COVID would not have died.

Remember all those lengthy, draconian lock-downs that were ‘essential’ to prevent hospital emergency wards from ‘being overwhelmed’? Would they have happened if emergency wards had had 72% fewer patients?

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