The longer Canada continues to be saddled with Justin Trudeau as national leader, the deeper society falls into a flaming pit of social chaos.

by Brad Salzberg 

January 31, 2023

A young Justin Trudeau with “father figure” Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

The longer Canada continues to be saddled with Justin Trudeau as national leader, the deeper society falls into a flaming pit of social chaos. From this idea, a plethora of thoughts spring forward.

Is PM Trudeau intentionally working to fragment Canadian society? If so, what’s his motive? Is his animus toward our nation innate– a condition based on an impressionable mind as a silver-spoon fed so-called son of ex-PM Pierre Trudeau?

Or is his hostility a learned process, derived from brain-washing levels of anti-colonial attitudes? Likely, it’s a bit of both. Either way, there is something wholly unnatural about a three-term prime minister who has no respect for Canadian identity, heritage and history.

What’s interesting to note– a fact which mainstream media refuse to speak of– is a social paradox which begins with Mr. Trudeau, and spreads like wildfire to the political power-players of Canada.

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