Home Connecting the Dots URGENT ACTION: Cancel Kelowna Library Drag Event for Children

URGENT ACTION: Cancel Kelowna Library Drag Event for Children



  1. One of the WEF lesser known goals for this year appears to be the legalization and normalization of all this pedo garbage so the elite get a free pass for their centuries of child exploitation and so they can safely add the P to the LGBTQRESTUVWXYZ garbage.

    I wonder if this is the establishment doubling down in Kelowna since they have a store there that started discriminating against masks and jabbees (Gee, I guess your choices have consequences, huh, the same narrative garbage they kept throwing in our faces).

  2. These men that dress up as women with their privates hanging out in front of kids need to be castrated, and the mothers that bring their children to these events should be given a hysterectomy so they cannot have anymore kids.