“Shocking figures reveal thousands including those who aren’t terminally ill are choosing to end their lives.”

by Brad Salzberg


December 29, 2022

For the past seven years, the Liberal government of Canada has been carving up society into distinct communities. Not that the trend didn’t exist previous to the ascension of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the throne of our nation.

Yet, it must be recognized that more than any previous national leader, PM Trudeau has actively promoted social division within society. Placing 3rd World migrants at a political pinnacle, Trudeau angers Canadian-born, generational citizens. Seven years of priority toward Sikhs and Muslims has alienated Canada’s Christian communities.

Blaming “Old Stock” Canadians for racism, homophobia and xenophobia further exacerbates social division. Hot button social issues such as Euthanasia and Abortion ostracize communities from each other.

Within Canadian academia, post-modern developments permeate our campuses, such as this move from the University of Windsor:

The Black Studies Institute (BSI) is an extensive investment by the university in organizational change,” says founding director Natalie Delia Deckard.

“We’ll be able to give classes in Black feminism, in blackness in education, in black micro-economies in the business school.”

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