‘Doctor-assisted suicide could save Canada up to $139 million each year’

Seven years of PM Justin Trudeau’s political reign over Canadian society has brought about the greatest of social transformations. Promising “sunny ways” for our citizenship, the result can be found in the dark clouds of neo-communism. Or should we call it neo-fascism?

Either way, Mr. Trudeau is approving legislation which echoes the Nazi era in mid-20th century Europe. We look to two examples: Euthanasia, and Gun confiscation.

“When France fell to Nazi invasion in 1940, the New York Times reported that the French were deprived of rights such as free speech and firearm possession.”

Deja vu time, fellow patriots? With Bill C-11 and C-18, the Trudeau government are set to erode freedom of speech on the internet. By way of the Liberal’s gun confiscation policy, government will seize firearms from hunters and other legal gun owners.

We move to assisted dying, aka Euthanasia, known in Canada by the acronym MAiD. Forbes Magazine in the United States put it like this:

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