by Keean Bexte

June 16, 2022

Lineups at passport offices to escape Canada are mounting

Record lineups have been reported at Passport Canada offices across the country. Some people were even reporting to begin lining up at 4 am to get their passports.

This cannot be a coincidence that only a few days after Trudeau lifted the travel ban on the unvaccinated, these lineups began to appear out of nowhere and stress our already borderline third-world system.

These people likely want to get out of Canada as soon as possible, and given that Trudeau’s health minister has said that two shots may no longer be enough, who can really blame them?

Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

P.S: We are not letting Trudeau get away with his trip back to Canada, where he brought an active COVID case into the country. Help support our ATIP efforts here.