Home Connecting the Dots 833 Athlete Cardiac Arrests and Serious Issues, 540 Dead, Following Covid Injection

833 Athlete Cardiac Arrests and Serious Issues, 540 Dead, Following Covid Injection


by Rhonda Wilson

The Expose

April 11, 2022

A total of 15 players were unable to finish the Miami Open 2022 tennis tournament, including the male and female favourites.  All of the players must be “fully vaccinated” to compete, the Liberty Daily wrote, “just as we’ve noted for several months, most major sports have been hit with ‘inexplicable’ medical conditions popping up in young and otherwise healthy athletes, including our report that three cyclists fell in March alone.”

The so-called health professionals running the Covid “vaccine” programs around the world keep repeating that “the Covid vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”  But as of the end of last month, Good Sciencing has recorded 833 athletes, worldwide, who have had cardiac arrests or other serious issues, with 540 dead, post-Covid injection.


Read Full Article HERE

A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year

April 11, 2022

An investigation by One America News (OAN) found that 769 men and women collapsed with heart issues during competition over the past year (between March 2021 and March 2022). The timing coincides with the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines that are notorious for causing heart damage. The average age of those who experienced full-blown cardiac arrest was just 23 years old. The Biden administration and Dr. Fauci recently approved a fourth booster dose of the experimental vaccines. Continuing to push these vaccines with the information that is out there now (and has been for months) is beyond criminal.

Read More HERE




  1. One more time I quote, “Lies have speed but the truth has endurance.”

    The truth over all the Covid 19 and more so the (nota) vaccines is and will keep coming out. A public critical mass will develop and justice will be demanded. Many including those who believe they are above it all, will be brought to justice.

  2. One event worth watching will be the Boston Marathon. Considering that it requires everyone be poison jabbed, it’ll be a curious event to watch. Will any of them even make it to the finish line? Could this be the event that breaks the camel’s back?