by Brian Peckford


April 3, 2022

If you enter on the internet the name John Baird and the World Economic Forum you will get a bio on the WEF website or what is purported to be the WEF website that includes his involvement with the WEF.

If you go to the WEF website itself there is no record of John Baird.

So I think the people of this country , especially, those involved with the Conservative Party of Canada and likely to vote in the leadership , should know exactly what Mr. Baird’s involvement was , if any.

There are also rumours circulating about Mr. Poilievre and his involvement with WEF.

This is really simple.

Just give the people the facts to dispel these statements.

Courtesy of The Honourable Brian Peckford




  1. Do not trust anyone that is in government today, I would not vote for any of those people, my vote will go to ppc next time, I guess it doesn’t matter anymore now because it’s all gone to the devil anyway. Things are going to happen like this before the end, and I think it’s very close to that.