A police officer smashes a truck window as police deploy to remove protesters in Ottawa on Feb. 19, 2022. (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)
March 9, 2022
RCMP officials say the freezing of the Freedom Convoy protesters’ bank accounts without a court order was a necessary and targeted measure during the public order emergency, but opposition MPs are questioning why existing laws weren’t applied.
RCMP Assistant Commissioner Michel Arcand told the House Finance Committee (FINA) on March 7 that the freezing of accounts “enhanced the effectiveness of law enforcement’s investigation” pertaining to border blockades, and helped bring a “peaceful and timely end to the public emergency.”
Conservative MP Ed Fast asked Arcand why they had not obtained a court order to freeze bank accounts earlier if that measure was judged as effective at discouraging protesters.
Arcand replied that the RCMP wasn’t the lead agency on the issue, it was rather the Ottawa Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police.
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Since the RCMP think it is necessary to freeze the convoy protestors bank accounts, I think it is even more important to freeze the RCMP wages permanently. They were NOT doing their jobs which is to serve and protect the people.
The RCMP has totally lost all the respect that they have garnered over the many years worldwide. They will from now and for ever after be recognized as a corrupt unlawful society of thugs, as will many other police forces across the country. These are not Peace officers, these are Rioting officers. The only bad behaviour that took place in Ottawa during the convoy was that coming from the Police, City Hall and the PM’s office. Not saying much for authority is it? All of them should have their wages permanently frozen, and class action lawsuits pending against the whole works of them.