(Justin Trudeau isn’t the first Canadian prime minister who has failed to defend our trees or the national interests at the UN.Carlos Osorio/Reuters)


European fanatics and ecological radicals refuse to accept that Canada’s forests more than offset the country’s emissions. And Ottawa has capitulated


by Diane Francis

Financial Post

March 10, 2020

Canadians swell with pride when videos, scored with “O Canada,” show sweeping camera shots of the country’s majestic forests, lakes, farmland and parks the size of European countries.

But in the United Nations Paris Agreement, European fanatics and ecological radicals refuse to accept that Canada’s forests, and its other carbon-absorbing assets, more than offset the country’s emissions. And, since 1997, Ottawa has capitulated.

I just wrote about that, which is crazy enough, but then there’s this:

“Trees are remarkable,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a speech last fall. “They pull carbon out of the atmosphere. They are renewable and they’re sustainable and, eventually, they even recycle themselves. All we have to do is plant the first one.”

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