One Man’s Opinion,


February 4, 2020

Good Morning,

How are things going in Iowa ?

I notice that the Biden Campaign are now doing their best to discredit the procedure, method, and count of the Iowa Caucus to cover up the fact he more than likely had a very bad night last night . Next thing we know the Elite Liberal Media will be blaming “Russia Russia, Russia” for the debacle, who else could it be ?
I wonder how long the Elite Liberal Media think they can pull the wool over the eyes of the “Great Unwashed” ?
Ratings might tell them they lost the vast majority of the “Great Unwashed” after the Mueller Report !!

After the gargantuan failure of the Iowa Caucus I have been paying a little extra attention to the Democratic Nomination Process. I truly believe that CNN and the rest of the Progressive Media are so F U they are going to do everything they can to
Discredit Poor Old Joe Biden . CNN and the rest are doing everything they can to discredit Joe because they feel he is Struggling mentally and they also think he has no energy or stamina, they believe he cannot hold for the next 10 months
And he may eventually just Turtle and not get out of bed one day .

I also believe they are doing everything they can (just like last time) to ensure that an Unelectable Bernie Sanders does not Get the nod, he would be a disaster nationally in a Presidential Election .

They wanted the Worlds Greatest Liar Elizabeth Warren but she has been discredited and in fact disgraced, she has made Herself basically unelectable and her campaign is in free fall . too bad because CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and all of the rest were about to back her instead of Biden .
That really only leaves them that other Great Liar and Hypocrite Mayor Pete, he too will not make it to the Nominee, he is Really only covering up one Hypocritical Statement with another . The others except for one are not even Also Rans .
I firmly believe that all of the Progressive Elite Liberal News Outlets will soon fall in and support the Napoleonic Michael Bloomberg . That could mean no more Coke, no more Pepsi, no more Donuts, and no more chocolate bars for anyone in America but the Liberal Media will back Bloomberg anyway . I believe the Anti Gun Legislation may cost Bloomberg many Votes but I also believe Bloomberg may choose Stacey Abrahams as his VP Running mate . Abrahams will help bring in support from certain demographics like Liberal men and women, some minority groups, and Millennials of any one of several different genders that vote “Woke”, no matter who the Candidate might be .

A Bloomberg/Abrahams Ticket could be problematic for Trump but if he actually makes the effort to be somewhat Presidential; Comes up with a Health Care package better than Obama Care, DACA Legislation that offers a path to Citizenship that will Take ten years . The applicant would need to work, pay taxes, and ensure that they do not receive a Criminal Felony Conviction, If the candidate does get a Felony Conviction within that time they are automatically deported regardless of circumstance . That DACA Legislation alone would ensure crime would drop dramatically and ALL Americans regardless of ethnicity, religion, skin hue, or gender, a win win for all .

Unfortunately for Canada the Convicted Felons scheduled for Deportation back to their Home Country will not wait around for I.C.E. to apprehend and deport them they will come to Canada where they will be welcomed by an Inept, Important, Disengaged Canadian PM Justin . The Horror !

I feel very strongly that Canada will within the next four years and the second Term of PM Justin we will see somewhere Between 300 thousand and 1 Million illegal Migrants enter Canada and they will not all be Choir Boys, in fact many will be Violent criminals like MS-13, and in fact some will be Terrorists .

Thank you PM Justin for the Open Arms Welcoming you offered them, just what will that do to the Health Care System of Canada, Education System, Housing, Criminal Justice System, Wages and Salaries, Pensions, and what about the Tax Increases of all kinds, these Programs do not fund themselves . Gut Wrenching .

Trump also needs to increase and improve Border Enforcement, 80% of Americans regardless of ethnicity, religion, skin colour, or age believes in Borders and control of Migration/Immigration . That is a winner for Trump .

I could never vote for Marxist Bernie but if I was him I would immediately after I was forced out by the Democratic Party I would announce my run as an Independent Presidential Candidate . In fact I would also donate to an Independent Campaign for Bernie, hopefully millions of others would support and donate to a Bernie for President Campaign .

Personally I like and respect VP Mike Pence very much but Trump may need to make a change of VP for his 2020 Presidential Campaign . I am not saying I support Nikki Haley, or Marco Rubio as much as I support Pence but I strongly believe either one Of them should be CP Candidate on the Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign. They are both Conservatives, they are youngish, they are visible minorities, and they are both staunch Conservatives . I also believe either one of them would be a Great Presidential Candidate for 2024 .

I am well aware that many will not agree with me on Rubio and Haley but it is most important that Trump finish his two Terms and it is just as important that the Democrats who play nothing but Identity Politics are kept out of the White House for 2024 And 2028 . Any Party of any Brand need to appoint Candidates that are actually Electable, the rest can fall into place after an Election Victory .

The best current example of choosing an unelectable Candidate that is the absolute failure of the Conservative Party of Canada who appointed Andrew Scheer as their Leader for the recent Canadian Federal Election, he was abysmal and fell flat on his face, they made a huge mistake in not drafting Rona Ambrose, Ambrose would have been elected and Canada would not be in the position we are where the current PM Justin is about to take Canada down the same Rabbit Hole that EU Leadership took all of the EU . We in Canada are in serious trouble, PM Justin is “A Clear and Present Danger” to Canada and we can do nothing about it, the good people of Canada are at his mercy .

Then after all of that maneuvering in the U.S. Presidential Campaign there is quite likely a good chance that Hillary R. Clinton might be angling and actually planning for a “Brokered Convention”, she still has the Hunger and Ego to become President . In fact she salivates every time she is asked the question . Surely, she must be kidding herself, is she not ?

One thing for sure, Bubba is encouraging HRC to run, he has always wanted to get back into the White House, as he has been heard to say so many times, “God, I just Love Little French Maid Outfits, it brings back so many Great Memories” !
My apologies, not very PC but…………………..






  1. Hey BMCQ,
    I like your ‘One Man’s Opinion’.
    I agree with some of your points and disagree with others.
    This is a great exercise to make people think.
    That small percentage of people who can actually think for themselves !

    The Dems rigging their leadership race again ?
    Leadership rigging….reminds me of the Cdn election.
    Time to drain this swamp too.

  2. Without the opportunity to have the Facts, the argument, the discussion, and the debate we really cannot arrive at an informed opinion, can we ?

    If I was a U.S. Democrat I would be highly suspicious of what sort of manipulation might be going on regarding Iowa yesterday, past campaigns like HRC in 2016, and even earlier, it seems that there is almost always something taking place behind the scenes when it comes to the Dems . For some reason they feel they are entitled to rule the U.S. and the Great Unwashed should accept whatever the Elite Democratic Leadership tell them .

    Personally I do not believe the Democratic Party really care anything about true Democracy, they just care about power, to them it matters not what the people think .

    Do you really think the Democratic Party, Alec Baldwin, Clooney, Rob Reiner, Cher, Don Le Mon, Wolf, Jake, Morning Joe, Maddow, Todd, FREDO, the NYT, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC, or other Elite Liberal PC SJW individual or organization care what people from small town America care about ?

    No they do not, they are no different than the Federsl Liberals and the NDP in Canada, they will tell YOU what you want and what is good for you and the indoctrination for the most part starts the first day you enter into a Kindergarten Classroom and that indoctrination continues at least until you complete University .