by Spencer Fernando

June 17, 2019

Trudeau’s foreign policy lies in ruins.

Justin Trudeau came into office talking a big game.

He would ‘re-engage’ with China, ‘restore’ Canada’s image in the world, and loudly proclaimed “Canada’s Back!”

Trudeau attempted to distance Canada from the US and sucked up to Communist China’s authoritarian rulers, letting them buy up sensitive Canadian companies and pushing for a trade deal that would have been an unprecedented betrayal of Canada’s working people.

After the election of Trump in the US, Trudeau upped the virtue-signalling to even higher levels, a campaign which continued when he lectured US VP Mike Pence about domestic abortion debates in America.

Yet, what does Trudeau have to show for all his foreign policy moves?

Nothing but disaster.

Trudeau’s foreign policy lies in ruins, his credibility is shredded, nobody fears or respects our country, and he is weak and powerless on the world stage.

Many reports indicate that Justin Trudeau will be asking Donald Trump to help secure the release of Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig – who have been detained by the ChiComs (ChinaCommunists).

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