Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
June 16, 2019


  • Grounding, also called earthing, is the practice of placing your bare feet on the ground, which is associated with many health benefits
  • Negatively charged electrons in the Earth neutralize free radicals in your body
  • After exposure to the oil dispersant Corexit, Rebecca and Josh Tickell made the documentary, “Down to Earth — The Earthing Movie” and experienced benefits themselves
  • The discovery of synthetic shoe soles in 1960 had the effect of disconnecting us from the earth, says Clint Ober, the father of grounding
  • Grounding seems to reduce the unwanted voltage from electromagnetic fields that are ubiquitous in developed countries
  • Lack of contact with the earth may contribute to diabetes, obesity, hypertension and other ailments, according to medical research

Grounding, also called earthing, is a scientifically-supported health practice that has been largely ignored by mainstream medicine despite a body of evidence for its effectiveness. Grounding is simply placing your bare feet on the ground to avail your body of the electron-enriched earth.

Why does grounding have positive health effects? Because undesirable free radicals in your body are positively charged while the electrons received from the earth through the soles of your feet are negatively charged. As a result, free radicals are neutralized by grounding, and studies have shown this can often happen quickly.1

In published medical research, grounding has proved effective against chronic inflammation (likely by thinning the blood), pain, stress and sleep difficulties. It has also shown effectiveness in improving the important balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Heart and respiratory benefits are also being explored as are grounding’s ability to help people lose weight.

Now, a new documentary “Down to Earth — The Earthing Movie,” in which I am fortunate enough to appear, explains the science behind grounding and how the practice of grounding has dramatically improved the lives of patients.

A chemical disaster leads to new interest in grounding

Rebecca and Josh Tickell are acclaimed film makers known for their 2012 documentary film, “The Big Fix,” which explores the effects of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on human health. The film also investigates BP’s aggressive use of the controversial oil dispersant Corexit, which kept the world from knowing the extent of the spill.2

Rebecca Tickell herself suffered from exposure to Corexit, she says in “Down to Earth,” which she narrates. She experienced adverse effects, including a cough and pronounced skin rash. Doctors warned her the exposure might mean she would have trouble conceiving or bearing children, but the Tickells accepted the risk and tried to have children. Rebecca suffered a miscarriage.

When Rebecca conceived again, doctors said the baby might be born with birth defects but, luckily, was fine. However, for two years the Tickells’ daughter Athena struggled with chronic illnesses and was constantly in and out of hospitals.

The Tickells explored all possible treatments, both traditional and alternative. Nothing worked until they were given a copy of the book, “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” The premise of the book, says Rebecca, is that “by planting your feet on the ground your body will begin to heal itself.”

More effects of deepwater oil spill on humans

The Tickells were not the only humans to suffer from the chemicals used in the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Jamie Griffin, who fed hundreds of cleanup workers in the Gulf Mexico, had extreme reactions to chemicals like the dispersant Corexit, Grist reported:3

“Within days, the 32-year-old single mother was coughing up blood and suffering constant headaches. She lost her voice. ‘My throat felt like I’d swallowed razor blades,’ she says. Then things got much worse.

Like hundreds, possibly thousands, of workers on the cleanup, Griffin soon fell ill with a cluster of excruciating, bizarre, grotesque ailments. By July [two months after the spill], unstoppable muscle spasms were twisting her hands into immovable claws.

In August, she began losing her short-term memory. After cooking professionally for 10 years, she couldn’t remember the recipe for vegetable soup; one morning, she got in the car to go to work, only to discover she hadn’t put on pants.

The right side, but only the right side, of her body ‘started acting crazy. It felt like the nerves were coming out of my skin. It was so painful. My right leg swelled — my ankle would get as wide as my calf — and my skin got incredibly itchy.’

‘These are the same symptoms experienced by soldiers who returned from the Persian Gulf War with Gulf War syndrome,’ says Michael Robichaux, a Louisiana physician and former state senator, who treated Griffin and 113 other patients with similar complaints.”

To View Video Free until June 20th, Click HERE





  1. yes grounding is very healthy as long as you’re not in a powerful emfield , i hurt my back with grounding in the emf at my place which was no fun