Here we go again — Islam, with the help of Hamas front group CAIR is creeping into public schools in Washington state and parents are fighting back.

A cease and desist letter was sent to a school district in Washington state that pushed Islam onto students and was promoted through a Ramadan policy that gave Muslim students ‘special status.’

This is the second school district that has been caught promoting this ridiculous Ramadan policy just in the last week — and surprise, surprise, the ‘Ramadan policy’ was recommended by terror-tied CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations].

CAIR also suggested that teachers greet students in Arabic (Islamic supremacy) as part of the Ramadan policy.

Ramadan, which falls between May 5 – June 5 this year is considered by Muslims to be their holy month, however, it is a month filled with bloody terrorist attacks…because the religion of peace or something.

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