
February 17, 2019

(Natural News) Back in 2010, talk show guru Oprah Winfrey dedicated an entire episode of her show to a self-professing “faith healer” with whom she claims she had a “blissful” encounter. But as we recently reported, this “faith healer” has since been exposed as a serial rapist who had actually been operating a massive child “sex slave farm” and “birth factory” behind his religious facade.

At the time, Oprah was convinced that Joao Teixeira de Faria, more popularly known as “John of God,” was the real deal. She contends that she almost fainted upon first meeting him, as his presence was apparently too much for her to handle, causing her to feel “an overwhelming sense of peace.”

Entitled, “Leap of Faith: Meet John of God,” this particular episode of Oprah’s show is said to have generated interest in John of God. Because of Oprah, in other words, tens of millions of people who had previously never heard of John of God were quickly introduced to the many “amazing miracles” of this “faith healer,” which include tales of him healing a woman of cancer simply by slicing into her breast without anesthesia and removing a tumor.

John of God is also said to have healed many other people simply by touching them and saying a succinct prayer, which would seem to make him a modern-day miracle worker, of sorts, with supernatural healing powers – or so his followers were led to believe.

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