by Joe Hoft

The Gateway Pundit

June 18, 2018

The attorneys representing Concord Management, one of the Russian Companies that the corrupt Mueller team accused of impacting the 2016 Presidential election, crushed the “Unlawfully Appointed Special Counsel” in court last week again.

They continue to make a laughing stock out of the Mueller team of misfit and conflicted attorneys.

Mueller’s team of ignorant and misguided attorneys really have no chance.  They never expected anyone to take them to court on their fake Russian indictments and are certainly no match for the attorneys representing Concord Management.

Proverbial Ham Sandwich

We first reported that Concord Management’s lawyer’s previously said Mueller indicted “the proverbial ham sandwich.”  The reason the Concord Management attorneys called the case a ‘proverbial ham sandwich’ was because one of the entities indicted by the Mueller team, Concord Catering, was not in existence at the time the crimes were alleged to have taken place.