By Liberty Belle

Thursday April 6th, 2017

It was not that long ago that WikiLeaks dropped the Podesta emails that depicted pedophilia in our very own government. Of course, the mainstream media has done its best to sweep this disgusting crime under the rug. However, there are those out there who determined to root out these perverts. President Trump is one of those people, who announced that he would investigate the elite pedophile scandal, and another is Dr. Phil.

Dr. Phil recently interviewed a former sex slave by the name of “Kendall” and pushed the topic of elite pedophilia into the mainstream. The account that “Kendall” told millions of people was truly horrific, but Dr. Phil paid a price for telling the truth.

One day after this heinous report aired, a Dutch media company pulled the plug on the Dr. Phil show ending their 15-year partnership. The timing of this happening could not be more suspicious considering the topic that was discussed.

Also, what needs to be considered is the Netherlands history with pedophilia. In 2013, a Dutch court ruled that an abhorrent organization that promotes the legalization of sex between adults and children has the right to continue to promote it.


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