by Steve MacNaul


January 22, 2022

The trucks haven’t even started to roll yet and already Freedom Convoy 2022 has “massive and amazing” momentum, according to Northern BC organizer Art Meise of Prince George.

Freedom Convoy is the grassroots trucker demonstration that will see big rigs leave Vancouver on Sunday and travel to Ottawa, with other truckers and their trucks joining and converging, for a dramatic arrival on Jan. 29.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we have 150,000 trucks and truckers and a total of 700,000 people by the time we hit Ottawa,” said Meise, who drives heavy machinery as a job in Prince George.

For Freedom Convoy he’ll be driving a pick-up truck and travel trailer that will double as the office for the participating truckers from Northern BC.

“This isn’t just about truckers anymore, it’s about everyone,” said Meise.

Read More HERE

GoFundMe, Would you be interested in supporting Our Truckers in their fight for Freedom








  1. As of 9:20 pm January 22, GOFUNDME was over 1.932 million. Way to go Canadians for your support for our FREEDOM.
    I support our thousands of truckers, and the entire convoy with my prayers and thanksgiving for those that are able to take this journey. Go wipe your feet on those criminals on Parliament Hill.
    I will be one of those on the side of the road, waving you on as you drive through Vernon. God’s Speed, and many prayers for your safety.

    • Canadian Provinces are not opening up because all of their leaders are as corrupt as Trudeau, and they own the media. We have very few media choices, and the sheeple only listen to them, not to those of use that have learned differently by searching for answers.
      Whenever I have said something about the vax, or masks, I get, “your opinion”, and refuse to believe otherwise.
      The other response is “they (big pharma) wouldn’t do anything like that to do harm. This comes from a retired RN and a retired pharmacist. They just don’t understand about the corruption.

      • Part of the problem is people cannot tolerate the idea that they have been duped. It’s unacceptable. They ‘think’ they are so smart, while ignoring ALL the evidence, all the available information, including (and especially) all the obvious questions that get dodged. The reality is this is the single largest duping that I am aware of (and there are quite a few whoppers out there).

        It doesn’t help either that the population has been conditioned for quite some time to be dumb enough to believe just about anything, these days.

  2. Political leadership at the Federal level and the Provincial levels in Canada is filled with weak leaders, low moral fortitude, those who lack true positive character, those who handed power over to unelected bureaucrats and to those who have no convictions for once proud Canadian values including the protection of rights and freedoms above all else.

    Canada has very rarely elected strong and positive motivation PM’s and the same goes for Provincial Premiers. Very few good ones over our 154 years of history.

  3. Well, it’s ‘finally’ starting to hit the Ministry of Truth, here. It was reported on the radio today, though (as expected) it was slanted as some sort of bad thing. That tells me the narrative is already being setup for the truckers to be treated with the infamous T-word, as with any good that stands up for the right for self-respect.

    Hopefully the truckers find a way to get past the concrete barricade that now encircles the House of Commons (Does anyone else appreciate the modern irony in the name of that building; given that the ones that populate it are self-centred, elitist a-bombs?).