by Jon Rappoport

November 8, 2022

Given that the US economy is SERIOUSLY teetering on the brink, here’s how to assess the election results today.

CATEGORY ONE: Those winners who are relentlessly pro Dutch windmills and sunny-day-roof-panels as the source of our energy supply now.

CATEGORY TWO: Those winners who are relentlessly pro oil as the source of our energy supply now.

CATEGORY THREE: The numbers of winners who are dupes, pimps, whores, race hustlers, sniveling obedient followers, big bullshit grinning idiots, corporate sell-outs, victims of demonstrable brain damage, people who would be lucky to land a job pumping gas in Death Valley if they weren’t Congressional legislators…who attach themselves to Category One or Two.

Then you’ll know where we stand.

For the moment.

And the moment is vital, because if the big diesel trucks stop rolling, we all stop.

That’s the situation.

The windmill-sun-panel replacement theory of energy is a) a tale told by an idiot and b) a plan to take down the country and put it right in the shitter.

There’s your PhD in economics.