(Photo: Youtube Video)


by Spencer Fernando


August 10, 2017

There was a time when the NDP could make a half-decent claim to support workers. In fact, some segments of what was formerly the political left were supporters of creating jobs for working people, and having strong Canada-based industries.

However, it is now clear that the left and the NDP no longer support workers. By siding with the “environmental” movement, the NDP is now actively opposed to policies that would create jobs and help Canadian workers.

That’s exactly what’s happening in B.C., where the new NDP government has announced their opposition to the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion.

As reported by the Canadian Press, “The NDP government has hired former judge Thomas Berger to provide legal advice as it seeks intervener status in court challenges against the federal government’s approval of the $7.4-billion project.”

The expansion would lead to a 700% increase in tanker traffic on the B.C. coast, a result of increased export revenue – meaning more jobs and opportunities for workers.

Yet, the NDP foolishly says the expansion isn’t in B.C.’s “best interests.”

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