Trey Gowdy Votes To Appoint A Second Special Counsel To Investigate James Comey Hillary Clinton Barack Obama And Loretta Lynch Along With Susan Rice
Trey Gowdy along with 15 other republicans voted yes to require AG Jeff Sessions to appoint a 2nd special counsel to look for hillary clinton james comey loretta lynch and barack obama crimes during the 2016 election this video will show you all the juicy parts that happened along with when trey gowdy voted yes you can’t hear it but it is on record I will post the full hearing link below
Letter From Congress To AG To Appoint A Second Special
this is breaking news and latest news today in politics on whats going on in congress this is also a trey gowdy new clip from when he voted on the amendment to the bill this bill I will also put in the description aims to look at president trump and how james comey and company tried to help hillary clinton and meddle in the election by calling it a matter tapping donald trump phones this is shown on fox news cnn and surprisingly all other major news media outlets this is political news