by Spencer Fernando

July 4, 2017

In what can only be described as a disgraceful, shocking, and insane move1, the Trudeau government is planning to give $10 million dollars in taxpayer money to Omar Khadr.

The money is said to be part of a so-called “compensation package” for Khadr, over alleged abuses he suffered while in Guantanamo Bay.

As reported by the Globe & Mail, “The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2010 that the actions of federal officials who participated in U.S. interrogations of Mr. Khadr had offended “the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of detained youth suspects.”

The government will also formally apologize to Khadr.

In 2002, Omar Khadr was captured by U.S. Forces in Afghanistan. Khadr was accused of throwing a grenade and killing Christopher Speer – a U.S. Army Medic – in a firefight. Khadr was fighting on the side of terrorists. 

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  1. Crime pays… at least it seems so in Canada. The only mistake that the US military did do with Khadr (I don’t use the Mr. as scum like him deserve only a last name as a reference) was to not squeeze of one more 5.56 round into his F**ked up jihadi head.

    Enjoy your blood soaked loot Khadr, Karma will get your scumball a** in the end. No amount of money will spare you from this. Trust me for every one bleeding heart Canadian including our BBC loving, pinko PM you see support you, there will be 2-3-4 or more Canadians who will live to despise you and one day spit on your grave and will do so with pride.

    Eff you, and Eff the government who caved in to this.