Published on 20 Jun 2017

Keeping it local vs Network programming from Toronto
Don Shafer is the General Manager of Roundhouse Radio 98.3 Vancouver
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  1. If Roundhouse Radio continues to almost exclusively focus on local issues it will fail and judging by the latest ratings it is failing badly. The radio environment is not what it was in the 1920 which you refer to Mr. Shafer. You made reference to having relevant programming that reaches an audience. You have a small audience to reach, you narrow that small audience even more by focusing on only local issues. How do you think you can grow when talking only about local issues is your focus?

    I do a podcast five days a week called Cannabis Health Radio. We interview people around the world on their medical use cannabis. We have been operational only 8 months and I would respectfully suggest that we have more people listening to our podcasts than Roundhouse Radio has listeners. Being local makes you different but it doesn’t necessarily make you interesting, informative or entertaining which is what people are seeking.

    Going back to the 1920s may be good for those consuming cannabis but not necessarily for those wanting to listen to interesting radio. But I do wish you success. It’s going to be tough.