BY ยท

Dept of Justice / FBI

Look at these connections- Lynch to Comey to Obama/Clintons. (#7)
Well worth the read!!!!

Dept of Justice/ FBI

1. Lynch was appointed as U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, NY from 1999 to 2001.
Who appointed her? Then President Bill Clinton.

2. Lynch resigned in 2001 to join the law firm Hogan & Hartson. This is
the same law firm that represented the company MXLogic. MXLogic was the
company Hillary first used to set up her private email server and account.
Executives from this law firm have also donated to the Clintons.

3. From 2003 to 2005 Lynch served as a member of the Federal Reserve Bank
of NY. The Federal Reserve Bank is actually a privately owned corporation,
compromised of numerous banks. Several of these banks and or their
executives have donated to the Clintons political campaigns and to the
Clinton Foundation.

4. In 2010, President Obama re-appointed Lynch as U.S. Attorney in
Brooklyn. In 2015, Obama then appointed her as head U.S. Attorney for the

5. As we all know, Lynch met with Bill Clinton, privately, on
her private government jet. This meeting was a few days before the FBI
interviewed Hillary and a few days before the announcement.

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