by Spencer Fernando

Tuesday May 23, 2017

Yet another globalist agreement that sets impossible standards and damages our economy

One of the biggest problems we face today are globalist elites who make decisions that hurt the rest of us, while escaping any impact on themselves.

We see this in environmental policy, which is designed to win foreign praise through pathetic virtue-signalling, while crushing industries, jobs, and livelihoods back home.

So, it’s concerning to see the Trudeau government making the exceptionally dumb decision to join with the European Union and China and form a “climate pact” to push the foolish Paris Climate Agreement.

As reported by Bloomberg, “Canada’s environment minister Catherine McKenna, EU Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete and China’s special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua are meeting Tuesday in Berlin to discuss climate leadership and how to maintain momentum if the U.S. pulls out of the Paris Agreement. In September, the three will convene a ministerial-level meeting in support of the Paris accord, Canete said in an email.”

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