by Spencer Fernando

Friday May 19, 2017

Liberal carbon tax to increase cost of living, make Canadians poorer

Fuel is the lifeblood of our economy. Every product we consume uses fuel somewhere throughout its life, whether through transportation or production.

That means there’s no way to increase fuel prices without increasing the price of everything else. As a result, higher fuel costs means the cost of living will go up.

Of course, that’s exactly what we can expect from the carbon tax.

While the Environment Minister still won’t tell Canadians how much the carbon tax will cost overall, some details on the impact on fuel costs have emerged.

According to a federal report, the tax will apply to all liquid fuels, including gasoline, aviation fuel, natural gas, diesel fuel, as well as solid fuels like coal.

Read More HERE




  1. I have never voted Liberal, neither federally nor provincially, but the present Liberal Premier of BC has been duly elected, and is trying to refer to old English constitutional conventions to explain her present behaviour. Let’s respect the election results. She won.

    Premier Christy Clark anticipates a short sitting of the legislature, and her own defeat on a confidence motion. Why she talks about this as inevitable… God only knows. I wouldn’t do it if I was in her position.

    BC Liberals under Gordo Campbell brought in the hated carbon tax, making BC the first province in Canada to do so. Nothing to brag about, in fact a shame.

    To get herself re-elected, Premier Clark should take positions diametrically opposed to those held by the dreaded Greens and Orangemen (NDP). These wacky leftwing parties want to make the carbon tax higher. Hard to believe, but true.

    Tell the truth, and for a real change, upturn your BC Liberal policy on the carbon tax, immigration, abortion, euthanasia, and geo-engineering, Christy, and you will get re-elected in a huge landslide.

    Stop the carbon tax, stop geo-engineering, stop all non-Christian immigration to BC, stop aborting our helpless babies, and stop euthanizing our dear old folks.

    Stop the crazy New World Order.

    Free the West !

    Wake up, Christy and realize that there are hundreds of thousands of social conservatives in this province, and nobody represents us right now, certainly not the BC Liberals. Many of us haven’t voted for a very long time.

    Speak to our issues, and you will make history.

    Don’t worry about jurisdictions for these issues being monopolized by the feds.
    The Truth cares not whose jurisdiction allows murder.