While then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided whether to allow the sale of a company holding 20 percent of America’s uranium capacity to the Russian government, tens of millions of uranium investor dollars were received by the Clinton Foundation – not to mention a $500,000 speaking fee received by Bill Clinton from a Kremlin-affiliated bank.
President Donald Trump referred to this Russian deal scandal involving former President Barack Obama and Clinton in a tweet he posted Tuesday morning, where he indicated that Congress should look into the $145 million the Clintons received in donations from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency, Rostatom, worked out the purchase of U.S.’s Uranium One. He noted that a probe should ensue – if Congress truly wanted to find evidence of U.S politicians colluding with Russia.
“Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech,” Trump tweeted. “… money to Bill, the Hillary Russian ‘reset,’ praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!”
As Congress ponders the investigation of another Hillary scandal, it is currently reviewing allegations that Trump and his aides worked together with Russia to beat Hillary Clinton in November’s presidential election.
“The 2010 deal for a majority stake of Canadian-based Uranium One – which required approval from Clinton’s State Department and eight other federal agencies – and its plausible connection to major donations to the Clinton Foundation was exposed by author Peter Schweizer in his book Clinton Cash and confirmed in a 3,000 word, front-page story by the New York Times,” WND reported. “Former Uranium One chairman Ian Telfer was among several individuals connected to the deal who made donations to the Clinton Foundation.”
Clintons cashing in on U.S. uranium?
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