March 25, 2017

President Trump borrowed a page from his bestselling book on Friday when he agreed to pull the American Health Care Act after failing to reach a deal with conservative and moderate Republicans who opposed the bill. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Trump borrowed a page from his bestselling self-help book on Friday when he agreed to pull the American Health Care Act after failing to reach a deal with conservative and moderate Republicans who opposed the bill.

Critics were quick to charge that pulling the bill marked a devastating blow to Trump’s reputation as a seasoned dealmaker, particularly after Republican lawmakers had nicknamed him “the closer” days before the House was expected to vote.

But Trump’s 1987 book, The Art of the Deal, includes passages that seem to explain why he may have decided to abandon the AHCA after promising to accomplish healthcare reform in his first 100 days. For example, Trump wrote about the importance of being flexible, in words that mirrored his remarks on Friday after the bill was pulled.

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