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Trudeau Liberals To Release “SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS” in Lead Up To Federal Election!

In the lead up to a federal election Justin Trudeau will be trying out some new campaign strategies that he learned from a book titled “propaganda” by a man named Edward Bernays.

Why is Nobody Talking About THIS?!? Former State Senator Linda Collins-Smith shot dead!

Former state senator Linda Collins-Smith who was shot and killed in her home was to appear as a witness in child trafficking involving the Clintons

Louisianna Becomes First State to call for study on Health Impact of 5G

Derrick Broze, TMU Waking Times June 7, 2019 On May 29, the Louisiana House unanimously voted to have the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of...

Why NBC Got Rid of Jay Leno

News is leaking out from Hollywood executives in-the-know that the Obama White House had been leaning on, pressuring executives at NBC for the last two years to replace Jay Leno because the comedian was criticizing Obama every nigh

Biden Funneled $1.8 Billion To Ukraine While Son Bagged ‘Sweetheart’ Government Deal: Report

As The Hill's John Solomon reported Monday, Hunter Biden was paid upwards of $166,000 per month to sit on the board of Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015.

BREAKING: Trudeau Liberals Ran Ads On Facebook Soliciting Donations In The U.S. & U.K....

by Spencer Fernando June 7, 2019 It’s illegal for federal political parties to accept donations from non-Citizens or non-Permanent Residents. As the Trudeau Liberal government considers shutting down...

SICKENING: Canadians Rip Victoria City Councillor Ben Isitt For Saying Military Should Pay For...

by Spencer Fernando June 7, 2019 The radical far-left councillor then tried demonizing Conservatives in a brutally tone-deaf response. Victoria City Councillor Ben Isitt is facing a...

REALITY: Doug Ford Is Far More Popular Than Justin Trudeau

Far different from what elitist establishment wants people to think

Edmonton looking at SNC-Lavalin to build Valley Line West LRT

Embattled Quebec engineering giant among teams on construction short list

MP’s Putting Strange Limits On Free Speech Debate. Spencer Fernando

CBC National costing a lot more but getting fewer viewers