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New outbreak of COVID-19 in B.C. care home where 82% of residents were already...

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control has confirmed on its website that 82 per cent of residents had been vaccinated as of Feb. 15.

[DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus

The [DS]/MSM are doing exactly what the patriots want them to do. Everything is coming together, to be blunt game over

13-Year-Old Muslim Student Admits She Made Up Story That Led to French Teacher’s Beheading

A 13-year-old Muslim student in France has admitted that she fabricated the story that lead to a school teacher being beheaded last year.

Will Justin Trudeau END Canada’s 154-Year Relationship With Britain?

“The Executive Government and authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.”

Antifa/BLM should be protesting against drug cartels and banks

This is a work of fiction, in the form of an interview. It presents a thesis about the protection of high-level criminals.

Alberta drops multiple fines issued to anti-lockdown protesters

Prosecutors in Alberta have dropped multiple fines issued to people who allegedly violated public health orders and mask mandates, according to an organization helping people challenge these citations in court

Clandestine Operation In Progress, Think Shadow Presidency/Government NG

The [DS]/MSM has fallen right into the patriots trap.

Confirmed: FBI Hired Known Drug Addict Stefan Halper to Set Up and Bring Down...

It’s now confirmed that the FBI used a known drug addict in an effort to set up and bring down the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and anyone connected to him.

Ben Stein Suffers Severe Side Effects from COVID Vaccine Days After Getting the Shot

American writer, lawyer, actor and comedian Ben Stein posted video this week warning Americans about the side-effects of the Moderna COVID vaccine booster shot.

My HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax, by Jon Rappoport

In my current series of articles on fake epidemics—Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu—I’ve established that all the symptoms of these so-called diseases can be explained without invoking a virus.