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Quarantine facility

Quarantine facility

Exit From The Matrix: The surpassing power of imagination, by Jon Rappoport

My collection Exit From the Matrix puts together more than 50 exercises and techniques for expanding the scope, range, and power of imagination.

Plan to cull 200,000 head of cattle in Ireland ‘can only end in disaster’

Geologist Ian Plimer has criticised the move for Ireland to cull 200,000 head of cattle in a bold effort to meet climate targets.

Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots In The Asymptomatic Vaxxed

Shows Massive Blood Clots In The Asymptomatic Vaxxed

WARNING: Smart City Infrastructure with Geoff Snicer – Empower Hour – Action4Canada

Geoff Snicer joins Tanya Gaw to expose the incremental and subversive policies that your civic leaders are putting in place to support the Globalist’s fictitious “Climate Action Plan”.

Stick A Fork In It, by Jesse Berger

In March 2021, Risk It For The Brisket: The Barbecue Rebellion & The Great Reject told the story of William Adamson (Adam) Skelly and the justification for his valiant stand against unproven covid measures.

Alberta Chooses Common Sense

Deanna McLeod from Kaleidoscope Strategic and retired pediatrician, Susan Natsheh recently testified at the National Citizens Inquiry and will be here to tell us what we have learned from past Covid response mistakes and changes to pharmaceutical legislation in Canada that we need to be aware of.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Breaking! Crimes Against Humanity Trials Begin In New Zealand

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich joins Maria Zeee to announce the groundbreaking news that Crimes Against Humanity trials are scheduled to begin in New Zealand through the truly independent Maori people.

Let’s Talk COVID Vaccine Injury – Interview with Dr. William Makis M.D.

William Makis, M.D. is a Canadian Nuclear Medicine Physician with training in Oncology, Radiation Therapy, and immunology

COVID: The squeeze play on the population, by Jon Rappoport

Continuing my “greatest COVID hits” articles.