Notes on covert information-ops by Jon Rappoport
by Jon Rappoport
August 1, 2017
Ops involving information take many forms.
For example, let’s start with a simple “Sunday School” version that any child could learn...
A Complete Synopsis On The Seth Rich Murder – The Facts As I Found...
This research has been compiled from every source I could find on not only the demise of Seth Rich, but also of the man he was, Facebook photos, Twitter quotes, and reports taken from the day after he died to the present time
ABC, NBC, And CBS Pretty Much Bury IT Scandal Engulfing Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Office
by Matt Vespa
July 27, 2017
Well, just in case you didn’t hear, an information technology officer has been accused of bank fraud. He tried to flee...
More Ethics Questions About Trudeau’s Trip To Billionaire’s Private Island
A new report has shown that Justin Trudeau’s trip to the billionare Aga Khan’s private island was considered complex and “challenging” for government officials
Video: MP Michelle Rempel Shares Outrage Of Canadians Over Khadr’s Huge Payday
by Spencer Fernando
July 18, 2017
Rempel tells Tucker Carlson that Canadians are outraged by Trudeau’s disgraceful decision to give Omar Khadr $10.5 million CDN ($8...
Michael Rivero This Week – Canada, Fukushima, Yellen, Markets and Media Lies
Canada, Fukushima, Yellen, Markets and Media Lies
Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team
(Photo: Courtesy of The Inquisitr)
by John Solomon and Jonathan Easley
July 13, 2017
The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United...
CBC The National: Less News and More Propaganda by Harvey Oberfeld
A Great Read by long time broadcast journalist and now blogger, Harvey Oberfeld on his observations on the CBC and its biased reporting. By the way, Harv is pretty left wing type of guy, so this is most impressive
Michael Rivero This Week (July 10th)
Published on 10 Jul 2017
Flint, Comey, CNN, Obama, Seth Rich, and Corruption
Guest's website:
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Why the media has broken down in the age of Trump
Since President Trump was elected, the media landscape has divided and hardened more than ever. Even the once-unimpeachable New York Times has been guilty of “fake news,” while on Tuesday CNN had to retract an article that slimed a Trump aide based on flimsy reporting