Recent events indicate that President Donald J. Trump’s praetorian guard have been at work. As Rex explains, patriots should be grateful. And the enemies of the Republic, terrified.


by Rex

Quod Verum

Citizen Journalism

February 17, 2019

In just six days this month, five political careers burned to the ground.

On 5 February, 2019 Elizabeth Warren was exposed as a liar and charlatan, having lied about her native American ancestry to advance herself, for decades.

Then between 6 & 11 February, the careers of Virginia politicians and swamp rats Ralph Northam, Justin Fairfax, Mark Herring and the corrupt Tommy Norment were all destroyed in a complex, extremely well planned and calibrated takedown.

Yes, they’re all trying to keep going. But don’t worry. There will be more hits coming, if required.

All of the above are done.

As you will see in this piece, these events aren’t random. In fact, they are connected. And the path leads back to a specific date – 20 September, 2017.

Ending and Beginning : Resignation & Winter Offensive

On 20 September 2017, President Donald J. Trump’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Oval Office Operations resigned. The “resignation” was exactly eight months after the day of President Trump’s inauguration.

His name was Keith Schiller.

In Schiller’s two powerful White House positions, he would have had a broad security clearance, as well as unique access to Trump’s schedule, communications and strategic thinking. He would have also been able to observe the Swamp in detail, identifying the enemies of the Republic at work.

The cover story was that Schiller was heading into retirement. FakeNews was ecstatic at the departure of one of Trump’s key allies. They spun it as yet another sign of Trump’s collapsing administration. It was reported that Trump was heartbroken.

Keith Schiller faded away into the shadows. After a few weeks, Trump’s arrogant and distracted enemies had moved on and appear to have forgotten him.

As we will see, this was a major error, on their part.

A monumental error. You see, Schiller’s resignation wasn’t evidence of a Trump retreat.

Far from it. It was the beginning of a winter offensive, carried out by warriors hidden in shadows – Trump’s Praetorian Guard.

Their first blow came on October 5, 2017.


It’s probable that Schiller left the White House on Friday, 30 September, 2017. What happened just five days later, on Wednesday, October 5?

Harvey Weinstein’s career imploded.

Read Much More HERE